publication venue for
- Modeling COVID-19 and Its Impacts on U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) Detention Facilities, 2020. 97:439-447. 2020
- Housing Experiences among Opioid-Dependent, Criminal Justice-Involved Individuals in Washington, D.C.. 95:61-70. 2018
- Reducing Homicide Risk in Indianapolis between 1997 and 2000. 87:851-864. 2010
- Sexual Risk Behavior and Drug Use in Two Chicago Samples of Men Who Have Sex with Men: 1997 vs. 2002. 87:452-466. 2010
- Differences in Sexual Identity, Risk Practices, and Sex Partners between Bisexual Men and Other Men among a Low-Income Drug-Using Sample. 86:93-106. 2009
- Identifying Hidden Sexual Bridging Communities in Chicago. 86:107-120. 2009