publication venue for
- Openness to change among COVID misinformation endorsers: Associations with social demographic characteristics and information source usage. 335:116233. 2023
- Individual, interpersonal, and neighborhood measures associated with opioid use stigma: Evidence from a nationally representative survey. 305:115034. 2022
- Social-spatial network structures and community ties of egocentric sex and confidant networks: A Chicago case study. 291:114462. 2021
- Exploring how prison-based drug rehabilitation programming shapes racial disparities in substance use disorder recovery. 199:140-147. 2018
- Research on neighborhood effects on health in the United States: A systematic review of study characteristics. 168:16-29. 2016
- Job stress and poor sleep quality: Data from an American sample of full-time workers. 64:1997-2007. 2007