publication venue for
- Democratic Policing, Building Trust, and Willingness to Call 911: Examining the Relationship between Law Enforcement Legitimacy and Calling the Police. 49:183-200. 2024
- Understanding Abuse, Mental Health, and Substance Use: The Role of Victimization in a Jail Population. 48:1320-1342. 2023
- Examining Sanction Type and Drug Offender Recidivism: A Register-Based Study in Finland 2021
- Analyzing Predictors of Drinking and Driving among Gender Cohorts within a College Sample. 43:754-767. 2018
- They Were Getting High on What? Evaluating Novel Psychoactive Drug Knowledge Among Practitioners. 41:97-111. 2016
- Marketing a Panic: Media Coverage of Novel Psychoactive Drugs (NPDs) and its Relationship with Legal Changes. 40:523-541. 2015
- Awareness of Novel Drug Legality in a Young Adult Population. 39:425-435. 2014
- ‘Me and My Drank:’ Exploring the Relationship Between Musical Preferences and Purple Drank Experimentation. 39:172-186. 2014
- The Role of Vicarious and Anticipated Strain on the Overlap of Violent Perpetration and Victimization: A Test of General Strain Theory. 38:119-140. 2013