publication venue for
- The baltimore moment: race, place, and public disorder. 43:161-173. 2020
- Gun crime incident reviews as a strategy for enhancing problem solving and information sharing. 40:50-67. 2017
- Managing up and down: community corrections middle managers’ role conflict and ambiguity during organizational change. 40:173-187. 2017
- Examining perceptions of peer substance use in friendships of different gender structure. 37:173-196. 2014
- Crime control in the twenty-first century: Science-Based Supervision (SBS). 35:135-144. 2012
- Evaluation of the California Parole Violation Decision-Making Instrument (PVDMI). 35:269-295. 2012
- Getting technical: parole officers' continued use of technical violations under California's parole reform agenda. 35:249-268. 2012