publication venue for
- “Put it in Your Toolbox”: How Vocational Programs Support Formerly Incarcerated Persons through Reentry. 69:316-341. 2023
- Comfortably Numb? Revisiting and Re-Specifying the Relationship Between Health Strain and Substance Use. 66:1937-1959. 2020
- Comparative Effectiveness of California’s Proposition 36 and Drug Court Programs Before and After Propensity Score Matching. 60:909-938. 2014
- Restorativeness, Procedural Justice, and Defiance as Predictors of Reoffending of Participants in Family Group Conferences. 60:1131-1157. 2014
- Problem-Oriented Policing and Open-Air Drug Markets. 59:1085-1107. 2013
- Risk, Need, and Responsivity (RNR): It All Depends. 52:28-51. 2006
- Risk, Needs, Responsivity: In Action or Inaction?. 52:3-6. 2006