Drug Courts
Topic Areas
Associated Departments
Expertise Area of
Zielinski, Melissa
Braucht, George,
Brauchtworks Consulting
Sheidow, Ashli,
Senior Research Scientist,
Chestnut Health Systems
Crystal Matney Horn,
Peer Recovery Specialist,
Cumberland Mountain Community Services
Behavioral Health Navigator MHP Co-Responder,
Hoquiam Police Department
Dettman, Skip,
Clinical Director,
Lutheran Social Services of Illinois
Kunkel, Tara,
Executive Director,
Rulo Strategies LLC
Knight, Kevin,
Professor & Director,
TCU Institute of Behavioral Research
Miller, Bryan,
Associate Dean and Professor,
Clemson University
Michaels, Nichole,
Assistant Professor,
Abigail Wexner Research Institute at Nationwide Children's Hospital
Thompson, Mancy,
Program / Operations Director,
Prison Cells To Ph.D., (P2P)
Lux, Jennifer,
Associate Research Scientist,
Texas Christian University Institute of Behavioral Research
Wiley, Tisha,
Director, Justice Community Opioid Innovation Network,
National Institute on Drug Abuse
Rudes, Danielle,
Professor/Researcher (she|her),
Center for Advancing Correctional Excellence (ACE!)
Murphy, Amy (she/her),
Project Director,
Center for Advancing Correctional Excellence (ACE!)
Otis Reid JD Law Student, Dr Isaiah
Andraka-Christou, Barbara
Dennis, Michael,
Chestnut Health Systems (PI: Chris Scott)
Loeffler-Cobia, Jennifer ,
Director; Adjunct Associate Professor,
Wested's Justice and Prevention Research Center
Newman, Debra,
Treatment Provider,
First Judicial District Court, Adult Drug and Mental Health Treatment Courts
O'Neal, Derek,
Special Assistant,
Cook County Sheriff's Office
Palmer, Vanessa,
Outpatient SUD Counselor,
Epiphany Family Services